A dispensary in this context refers to a form of the warehouse for storing and dispensing medical and adult-based marijuana. The dispensaries are usually recognized by the government and licensed to distribute marijuana specifically for medicinal use. Some dispensaries have upgraded their businesses to online marketing and delivery systems.

1. Quality of products

An excellent online dispensary should supply marijuana tested and eliminate any risks to the user. A buyer must review previous customers’ comments before trusting the dispensary. Some dispensaries have poor storage conditions, which significantly affect the quality and safety of marijuana, and this negligence can cause adverse health effects.

We know that reliable support, quality my pure cannabis products, and affordable prices are important to our customers. That’s why we strive to provide the best possible experience for our customers.

2. Variety of products

Marijuana exists in many strains, each with unique characteristics. A strain can become hazardous to a person who is not used to it. Identifying a dispensary that can offer a variety to gather for the existing diversity is essential. The online dispensary should provide a complete guide on various strains, explaining their contraindication and possible side effects.

3. Price of the products

The price charged for the measured marijuana amount should be considered. Some online vendors take advantage of insufficient information by overcharging buyers for low-quality products. A buyer should conduct extensive research on various dispensaries and the prices of products and note their differences.

4. Payment methods

One way of identifying illegal businesses is via payment methods. Dishonest companies insist on cash payment and lock out other forms of compensation. The use of credit cards is a good sign of legality and increases the reason for trusting the dispensary. Illegal businesses cannot withdraw or transfer their money after keying in the credit card details.

5. Shipping time and method

Shipping time refers to when a product arrives after making a successful order. After payment, the order is processed, and an email is sent to the buyer, including the tracking number. A good dispensary should deliver within two to three business days. Other online dispensaries manage to make a one-day delivery, saving a great deal of time.

6. Customer service

An excellent online dispensary should be customer oriented, and all customer complaints should be processed and responded to appropriately within the shortest time possible. Good customer care service will lead to positive remarks on customer reviews and, therefore, can easily be identified.


Many online dispensaries exist at this point, but the services are not the same. A buyer needs to review the dispensaries and conduct extensive research concerning the uniqueness of each dispensary’s services.