Sometimes one can be shy of knowing something. For instance, one may be shy about consulting about smoking marijuana. Many individuals would wish to take a plunge to try out medical cannabis or join a group of individuals enjoying legalized marijuana for recreation. Still, the individuals are unaware of where to begin.

So many ways and guides have been put in place on how to smoke cannabis. This guide outlines some recommendable tips for smoking cannabis during your initial smoking session. You will know the differences present between blunts and joints and the variety of paraphernalia which leads to a worthwhile experience.

Begin slowly, as cannabis interacts with the entire body system and affects each body differently. Within thirty minutes of smoking, one will get to know the whole experience. Pace yourself. Start and stop at any time to familiarize oneself before smoking excessively. Do not freak out; THC accumulated when smoking is so effective.

The meaning of joint 

Joints are rolled cigarettes with cannabis flowers or tobacco.

How to smoke a joint

To smoke joints is relatively straightforward. You light them and smoke. Usually, those new to it quickly get choked and end up coughing. First-time smokers should pace themselves to avoid such cases. Usually, cannabis is a green plant, and when green plants are burnt, they produce smoke. 

When an individual smokes, they will require a small holding of the smoke, allowing cannabinoids to get absorbed into the lungs.

Lighting up joints 

Before lighting and while light, one should have cannabis right in his mouth. This helps in the lighting process as the sniffs from the mouth allow room for oxygen, creating space for the fire to light the cannabis much faster.

The meaning of a blunt 

It is more significant, bigger, and slightly thicker than a joint. It also utilizes a different form of paper and uses blunt wraps made from tobacco.

Smoking a blunt

As one smokes a blunt, one may require breaking up a tiny cigar. Those using a giant blunt need to cut the straightforward cigar and extract all the tobacco accumulated at the center.

Comparison between blunt and joint

Mainly they differ in size and the make of the paper. Moreover, blunts usually have a slightly large appearance and utilize blunt wraps made from tobacco leaves, whereas joints are made by using skinny wraps made of hemp. 

The presence of tobacco in blunts may reveal how an individual feels. Nicotine sometimes makes people think buzzed, depending on their interaction.


For centuries, many smokers have been smoking without using some of these tips. Onwards from this guide, you can now be one step, free mistake smoker.