The legality of cannabis in the USA

Cannabis possession and use are still illegal in some states in the US categorizing it as a schedule 1 psychoactive drug. The reasons for its ban are the supposed high potential for abuse and some psychological dependence in its consumers, leading to increased youth consumption. 

Despite the controversy surrounding the legalization of weed as a non-lethal drug, several states still push for its approval as a beneficial drug for its medical purposes and its economic potential as a commodity, and the impact it can have on the country’s growth. 

Here are some of the reasons why the legality of cannabis in the USA can prove to be essential for its consumers and the country, 

Its economic impact. Legalizing the consumption of marijuana can bring an overall growth in the economy giving rise to the creation of new job vacancies and opportunities. These opportunities could range from the inclusion of secondary companies who would be involved in its distribution and production of marijuana creating vacancies for employees like, workers for farming and processing purposes. 

Research companies that work to develop marijuana-based medical products offer numerous job vacancies for people in the growth and distribution of the cannabis plant. This means more money for the state and the government if it were legal in all states. 

The economic benefits of its legalization for commercial use can lead to increased tax revenues contributed from its sales and the fees of weed. If marijuana were to be legalized in all states there would be an exponential increase in aggregate revenue in a year and for the coming years.  

Another incentive is increased investment opportunities. The maturity of infrastructure surrounding the growth and distribution of weed could generate numerous investors to capitalize on the industry. This would lead to a rise in the number of weed companies trading on the public stock exchange, increasing the interest in expanding cannabis companies due to more opportunities. 

Its medical purposes. The legalization of medical marijuana has opened up its sale to medical weed consumers in 15 states. This has been made easy by the adoption of medical cards for patients with specific ailments in weed dispensaries. Cannabis-based industries are now maximizing profits from the sale and fees of medical marijuana because of the increase in the number of patients and recreational consumers.  

Weed has other known medical benefits for people suffering from diseases such as glaucoma and cancer by aiding in the alleviation of pain due to the cannabidiol pharmacological properties present in its composition. It is also prescribed to patients suffering from social anxiety to help them unwind and manage their disorder as a treatment option. 

Overall, if weed were to be legalized the impact on both the research medical industry and the economy would be greatly advanced in the coming years. Not to mention the increase in tax revenue from the sale and distribution pot. It is safe to say the benefits trump the reasons for its ban on consumption across all states buy from Green Society.